Thursday, March 16, 2023

He is Able

Well, it's way past time for a new post. I have been writing and rewriting this one for months, trying to find the right words. The critical voices in my head had me constantly revising...

This is too depressing.
Organize your thoughts better.
Add some humor.
People don’t care about this.
That's not funny - that's called “trying too hard.”
What's the objective?

Well, I've gone over and over it and I still haven't perfected it, but life isn't perfect, right? I still don't know what my objective is - try to be helpful or just share my heart. So, despite the imperfections and messiness, here goes. I'll start with this disclaimer. You may feel frustrated as you read this because I'm being ambiguous. Yes, I'm going to be ambiguous, but if you scroll down to point #4, you'll see why. Some day, when the dust settles, I may explain more details. Now I'm being ambiguous and non-committal. You're welcome.

This past year has been a year of intense testing. During the worst of it, I wouldn't have put it into the category of testing my faith because I never really thought my faith was in danger of being lost. No, I readily admit that God was the sole source of my endurance and hope. I couldn't walk away from the One who gave me life. But as I reflect, it really was a test of faith. It wasn't “do you believe in Me?” It was “do you really trust Me to bring you through and provide?” Even at my lowest and most anxious times, I've seen God provide miraculously, but there have been days where I can't help but think, He is able, so why doesn’t He?

Imagine with me, or maybe you don't have to imagine because you're in the middle of it. Imagine losing your physical, mental and emotional health all at once. You're not terminal, you're just sick and you don't know how long it will last. There is no relief. You've lost your hobbies, your career, your ability to cope, your endurance, your patience, even your personality. Essentially, you've lost yourself.

As a result, you lose social connection. You try, but it's just too hard to get out of the house and you're full of anxiety when you do venture out. You don't want to talk to anyone, but you know you need to, so you try to be your regular fun self. It works to an extent., but it's exhasusting. You've lost friends. Some are quick to judge, insinuating or outright telling you that you brought it upon yourself - you deserve it. It's all in your head. You lack faith. The words are daggers, so you just start to seclude yourself. Others are kind and really try to understand but no one really knows the extent of what you're going through. How could they? You barely understand it yourself. Those closest to you try to understand and try to be empathetic, but in reality, they’re also suffering because they've lost you too. 

There are still great doctors out there (though you've had it with most of them) and people you trust recommend the best of the best. But no one knows what to do. There are promising treatments that have helped others, but none of these experimental and expensive procedures have worked for you. Do you try the next promising treatment, medication or supplement? How much of your savings do you continue to spend on doctors? If you could only touch the fringe of Jesus' garment…you believe with all your heart that He is able to heal you. So then why doesn't He? 

You have prayed for God's provision through the trial and He's done truly miraculous things. He supplied money in unbelievable ways for medical procedures. You knew the procedure would work because He provided so miraculously. But then it didn't. Why? 

Why did He give me the money for something He knew wouldn't work?

He provided time for recovery, but it cost you your job. He provided a way, but not the healing you begged for.

His grace is sufficient for me. His power is shown through my weakness. Faith the size of a mustard seed. He works all things together for my good. Those who wait on the Lord… 

How do I apply this knowledge? I know it's all true, but some days my emotions don't feel it. He kept his promises and I see how His grace is enough, but the question remains - He is able, so why doesn't He? 

While I've still got a winding and difficult road ahead, God has given me peace. He's given me some healing. I'm still working through what He has been teaching me. It may be a while before I fully understand it all, but I know that I've grown and changed. Despite days of anger, confusion and doubt, I've managed to learn a few lessons along the way. Many of the lessons are not new or earth shattering, but there's a difference between knowledge and understanding. I think I have more of an understanding now. Here are some things I understand a little better than before. 
  1. My feelings are not the yardstick. God's promises, His goodness and His love are not dependent on my feelings, my amount of faith, my circumstances or my surroundings. His power is not limited by my understanding or other's indifference or cruelty. He is good even when life is not good. This is the Truth I’m Standing On (good song, by the way). It's kind of like when your kid is mad at you for “ruining my life” multiple times a day. You still love your kid even though she doesn't feel like you do.

  1. Be anxious for nothing. I spent the year worrying. I worried about what I didn't know, what I did know, what I was afraid of and what I wasn't afraid of. I worried about what people thought, what people would or wouldn't say. If it crossed my mind, I worried about it. So God says “Be anxious for nothing.” It's not a suggestion or a word of encouragement. It's a command. This has been hammered into my brain and my heart over the last few months (from many sources). I had a recent conversation about this verse with my pastor. He's smarter than me and knows the Greek origins behind the phrase “don't be anxious.” It's not the initial emotional or physical panic attack that is disobedience. The command means don’t dwell on or stay in the worry or anxiety. We need to dwell on God – His love, His promises, His power to carry us through and provide for our needs, His forgiveness. That changes our worries into gratefulness. That's why the verse goes on to say, “but in everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.” I have to admit that during the darkest hours, it's really hard to see through the cloud of despair. God has always provided, why is it so hard for this lesson to stick?

  1. Sharing in Christ’s suffering. I find it a little difficult to understand this concept, but Jesus said we would suffer. I don't feel like it's an honor to share in suffering but it brings comfort to know that I'm not alone. And really, my suffering is a drop in the bucket compared to what Christ endured for me so that I could live. In this life you will have tribulation. Sorrow, loss, disappointment and intense suffering are part of this life on earth. To know Christ is the only thing that gives true hope. There is nothing and no one else that can offer an inner peace, hope and underlying joy that allows us to get through the suffering. 

  1. Balance and Boundaries. Be transparent, but also maybe filter how much to share with whom. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, but sometimes this opens me up for criticism and unsolicited and unwanted advice. I learned that I should share vague overviews with larger groups (I'm dealing with a difficult illness), but only allow a select few to know the details. While some can see the effects of the physical ailment, most cannot see or begin to understand the scope of the pain inside. Even when I thought I was being meticulously selective, I would sometimes misjudge the safety of certain people and end up hearing hurtful and unhelpful words. Cling to truth and try not to let hurtful words or faulty beliefs discourage you. The world is full of opinionated people who lack understanding and empathy (I often fall into this category myself). Sometimes being a little vague is helpful to keep those opinions from causing more pain.

  1. Supportive Friends and Family. Cling to those who show themselves to be a friend. Even if you're not close to them, there is a reason they are in your life. God is so gracious to me. During the worst of it, God gave me loving people. It was my sister, who was going through the same illness as me. She gave me perspective, hope. We cried together. We laughed together – we had to laugh to survive. She knew how I felt. She was living it too.
    It was my amazing and patient husband who stepped in to pick up the slack I was leaving behind. He did (and continues to do) all the shopping, cooking, driving kids around, managing the house, and directing the kids to help out where they could. He even took time to take me to doctor visits. Worked harder and took on more than he should have to. He never complained, but I knew he was overwhelmed and hurting too.
    It was also a couple of coworkers who I could confide in. They knew the details of my job and how it was affecting my health. They listened, gave me encouragement when needed. I knew they genuinely cared and wanted me to improve.
    It was a handful of unexpected friends. It's amazing how friends stepped out of the woodwork. Some were old faithful and some brand new. Each gave me encouragement or practical advice without judgement. Some just listened and prayed.

  1. Laughter. There's no deep theology behind this one. I just found it important to look for humor. Laugh at myself. Laugh with others. Laugh at your spouse’s dumb jokes and your kids’ airhead moments. They are healing moments.

  1. Kindness. Another of my sisters reminded me recently that we never know what someone is going through so we must be kind. A simple act of kindness can make a huge difference to someone. It's true. I’ve been on the receiving end of kindness from strangers. A kind word and a smile can change someone’s day. For me, it was a day I went to Trader Joe's. I didn't want to be there. I put on my fake happy face and got what I needed. I expected the girl at the checkout to be like your basic gas station attendant – cold and impersonal. She was as warm and friendly as can be. She asked me a question. She laughed at my response and joked back. In the 90 seconds of interaction, she changed my mood and my day. Even in suffering, I'm learning to be kinder…more kind…more kinder. Also, don't ask my kids to verify that statement.

  1. Prayer. There are days in life when we don't even know what to pray about, what to ask for, what to say. This year was not full of eloquent speeches to God. I felt like my prayer life was on a repeat loop. I started to get cynical. Yep, He answers prayer, but I don't like the answer. I don't like “no” or “wait.” I told Him how I was angry and hurting. I said I didn't want to learn whatever lesson He was trying to teach me. I told Him I couldn't do it any more. Why do I keep asking? God wants us to be real with Him and it got real. Thankfully, He isn't like us. He doesn't throw up is hands and say “fine, be that way!” when we don't use a filter. He still held me up somehow. I stayed in communication even if I was mad at Him at times. I needed God to talk to me too, so I immersed myself with sermons and I'd fall asleep listening to my Bible app. He's gotten me through this far and I know He'll be there through the rest.

I'll stop with these eight. There is more I've learned and even more still to learn, but I've got to stop somewhere. So that's it. I haven't ever liked ending long essays, so I'll just count abrupt endings as one of the things I'm really good at.

I still believe that He is able and I still don't know why sometimes He doesn't, but I know my human understanding is limited and I know He is good.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Cupcakes for a Cause

My daughter came home from church with an idea to have a bake sale to raise money for a project sponsored by our church which provides Wheels & Meals (bicycles and goats) for traveling pastors in Uganda. The ministry that these pastors have is multifaceted. They travel from village to village sharing the gospel of Jesus and many of them end up taking in several orphans who would have nowhere else to go. They also help women start small businesses to care for their families after being widowed or abandoned. The bikes allow these pastors to travel around to villages and the goats are renewable food source providing dairy to their growing families. I wish I could adequately describe the impact these pastors are making in Uganda and how many lives are changed and improved because of their faithful ministry. It is profound.

After much deliberating with other 7th grade moms, we decided that Easter weekend was a perfect time to do it since we were expecting nice weather and we might sell more because of people who needed an easy dessert option for Easter dinner.

During the week before Easter, we posted an event on social media and within a couple days had pre-orders for 18 dozen cupcakes with promises from others to stop by in support. In a moment of panic I called my mother to help me get the orders ready for pickup on Saturday morning. The final count totaled 30 dozen cupcakes, and we raised almost 3 times more than I expected! God was faithful to bring customers from around the Twin Cities and the three seventh-grade girls worked in our driveway and sold almost all of them. I'm rather proud of these girls for their creativity and desire to make a difference, but I'm even more grateful for the sacrifice the Ugandan pastors are making to share God's love. We were able to donate 100% of proceeds to the Wheels & Meals Project. I'll let the video below tell the rest of the story, and after that, there is a sampling of some of the cupcakes we sold.

Here's a little more about the cupcake sale:

Chocolate with Caramel frosting


Chocolate with Vanilla Frosting

Lemon Blueberry


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Force of Nature Review

Force of Nature
If you find this review helpful and want to own your own kit, please click on any Force of Nature Link throughout the review to purchase your own system. 



THRU AUGUST 31, 2021

Year Supply Bundle + 9 Reusable Cloths + Free Shipping


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THRU AUGUST 31, 2021

Starter Kit + 25 Capsules + Free Shipping


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THRU AUGUST 31, 2021

Starter Kit (Includes 5 Capsules) + Free Shipping


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THRU AUGUST 31, 2021

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During the past year, I've made friends in many places around the world. We have a little-known glue that holds us together. Allergic contact dermatitis. We or one of our children have allergic reactions when we touch things. Many of us are allergic to MI (methylisothiazolinone) or other preservatives as I've noted in previous posts. Many are allergic to fragrances including both synthetic and natural scents. Essential oils are our enemies. Some are allergic to coconut based products. Some are allergic to metals like cobalt, nickle and gold. Cleaning supplies are a constant struggle because companies aren't required to disclose their full ingredient list, hiding small amounts of our allergens in "fragrance" or "surfactant" and since there are no laws requiring disclosure of what we put on our counters, we find ourselves needing emotional support just from the anger we feel when we get responses from companies that use words like proprietary. (Though laws are changing as we speak!) Even companies like Seventh Generation and Norwex add unsafe chemicals to their "all natural" products and it's like pulling teeth to get companies to disclose ingredients. Many general practitioner doctors and nurses don't take the allergy seriously because painful cracking skin is not as dangerous as anaphylaxis, (even when it lands your child in the hospital because a paper cut has become cellulitis). We are a passionate group trying to educate each other and the world to recognize allergic dermatitis as a real problem.

That said, one of my new friends posted about a newer company that is trying to help people who are concerned with what we're cleaning with. Most people wouldn't ask for cleaning supplies for Christmas, but I asked my husband for this new system and I was giddy when I opened my gift! (I told him that it was the ONLY thing I wanted and he would ruin my Christmas if he didn't buy it for me - manipulation at it's finest!) It ended up being a cheap gift for him to go purchase!

I couldn't be happier with it. It's truly non toxic, contains zero allergens and is as gentle to the skin as water. It doesn't magically erase everything, but it is a great cleaner for most basic cleaning. It kills germs, deodorizes, and cleans windows better than anything else you can buy in a bottle. I don't know of any one cleaner that cleans by itself. Cleaning takes work. I will say that there are some real magical qualities about it. Here is a simple advertisement that describes the basics of it:

Here's a short video on the basics of the science behind the cleaner:

This is not new technology or a new cleaner. It's been around for years and it really does kill germs. (verified independently by the good people of my daughter's school district) There are other companies who sell large scale systems to be used in hotels, universities, sports arenas and theme parks. Medical supply manufacturers are using this to disinfect and clean and because it's environmentally safe, is hypoallergenic, completely non-toxic and poses almost no risk of pathogens developing a resistance to it.

Here's my mostly unbiased review of Force of Nature Cleaning system. I say "mostly" because I love it so much that I'm no longer truly unbiased. But I am honest about what it can and cannot do. I sing its praises as I've found something that actually removes the pee smell from the bathroom where most cleaners try to cover the smell with perfumes and end up making it more intense. That alone makes it worth the very reasonable startup cost!

Surface Cleaning.  In my tests below, I used a freshly bleached white cotton floursack towel to clean the surfaces. Though I usually use a microfiber cloth to clean, I did not want the type of cloth to affect my test results. On a 5-star scale with 5 at the top, here is what I found:

Glass and mirrors:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars

The first set of pictures shows greasy finger prints. The second picture shows half of the mirror cleaned. It's hard to get a good picture of a clean mirror) I guess that's why most catalogues just gray out the reflection), so you'll have to take my word for it.  This particular mirror in my house shows every streak and smudge all the time because of the way the sun shines into the room.  Even my Norwex kit leaves streaks on this mirror. I don't know why the rest of the mirrors and windows seem to be immune to streaking, but this one was cleaned well with FofN and a very clean cloth. It cleaned easier when I used a dry Norwex or eCloth glass cloth.  You have to make sure you're using a dry cloth or paper towel to buff it clean. A squeegee will not render desired results.

NOTE: One friend said she found glass to be a little more finicky to clean than regular Windex because she has to make sure she fully dries the mirror or window to ensure no streaks. It makes a difference if you use a very clean bleached cloth. If there is any dryer sheet or fabric softener residue on the cloth, it won't wipe to a streak free shine. I usually end up using my Norwex or eCloth window cloth to wipe it down after I spray it.

Bathroom sink soap scum.
⭐⭐2 stars on existing soap scum.
⭐⭐⭐⭐4 stars on frequent cleaning and keeping soap scum from building up.
To be fair, the company doesn't claim FofN will cut through soap scum, so I didn't expect much. We use Kiss My Face olive oil bar soap which tends to leave a bit more soap residue compared to liquid cleansers.  The picture below shows the before shot after 2 weeks of normal use, but without more than a wipe down (don't judge me!), the next is FofN, then a simple wipe down with a microfiber cloth, and finally after using a mild abrasive, Bon Ami, which is what I use to scrub the buildup in my toilet bowls and shower floors. The Bon Ami did the best, but for frequent cleaning, I use FofN with a microfiber cloth and it does fine.  I probably use the abrasive cleaner once every 3 weeks or so (or when I have guests at my house) to get a good shine.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 stars on outer bowl. I usually wipe everything down once because I don't like getting pee on my rags. I spray down the pee sprinkles with FofN and then wipe it down with toilet paper. Then, after I clean the bowl out, I spray the whole throne down and wipe it down with a dry rag.  If you use a wet cloth, you'll probably get streaks because this product doesn't contain drying agents like alcohol.
⭐⭐2 stars on inside the bowl water ring buildup. I get rings around my bowl if I don't clean it every day or two. And who cleans the inner bowl every day? After having kids, I clean the seat and under-seat daily because, well, I don't want to sit on their pee. I use Bon Ami (others have told me they use baking powder) to clean the inside of the bowl. After I get the ring scrubbed out, I spray the whole thing down with FofN to deodorize and finish it off.

Stainless Steel. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 stars
I thought FofN did a good job. I had to rub at it, but it worked as easily as any commercial stainless cleaner.  Since this test, I've been pairing the cleaner with a microfiber glass cloth and find it a very good combination with the least amount of work.

Car upholstery. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.
Easily took basic dirt spots off of the upholstery and carpet. 

My sister reported that FofN cleaned the leather seats in her SUV. After several months of driving, the leather seat had picked up some of the dye from her denim jeans. She accidentally sprayed the seat and noticed that the dye was lifting from the leather, so she wiped it off with a cloth and she said that it came off like magic without damaging the leather at all.

Grease. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 Stars.
I give it 4 of 5 stars simply because I had to spray and wipe it twice. It did a nice job with just a plain cotton cloth, but when paired with a microfiber cloth, it worked perfectly on the first spray. I think paired with wiping up with a wet microfiber kitchen cloth first. (My new favorite microfiber is eCloth by the way - way cheaper and better size than Norwex)

General surfaces.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.
Basic spills and dirt. 

Pencil, Pen, Crayon. ⭐ 1 Star.
Not many basic cleaners can take crayon, pencil and marker off of a wall without some abrasive or scrubbing. This didn't surprise me as I already knew that electrolyzed water does not typically do well with petroleum based oils or waxes.

Carpet and Pet/human stains. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars
(disclaimer, I don't have a pet)
To be honest, I can't rate on actual pet stains, but I did have an incident where a child wet all over carpet.  Most moms have had this experience. Most recently, I soaked up the excess urine with a large rag, then doused the area with FofN cleaner and soaked up the area with another towel. No residue, no perfume covered pee smell. No smell at all. It was the easiest accident to clean up. I also used this as a spot treatment for the house carpet for basic spots.  I haven't tried it on wine or juice mostly because we only allow water on carpeted areas, but if I could make a couple gallons at a time, I'd put in in my carpet cleaner and use it that way.

Bathroom and kitchen. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.
This is the best bathroom and kitchen cleaner I have ever used. It cleans floor to ceiling. Countertops, toilets, floors, stainless, refrigerator, table, chairs, you name it. I love it. I usually use a wet cloth to remove dust or crumbs, then spray the surface down and wipe it off with a dry or lightly damp cloth.

Deodorizing. Just spray and let dry.

Bathroom/Toilet. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.
-The only thing I've used that actually gets rid of the pee smell in the bathroom around the toilet. As I stated before, this alone is worth the cost.
-I poured about 3 tablespoons into my shower drain.  Got rid of the nasty drain smell that seems to arise from the depths without warning.
-The bathroom, after cleaning smells like nothing. Just clean. LOVE it!

Sports Equipment. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.
- Sprayed stinky gym bag.  Odor free in 5 minutes
- Sprayed a smelly shirt, shoes, shin guards, socks.

Car. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.  
- Sprayed a mist into the air and upholstery.  Got rid of the spoiled milk smell that had leaked out of a sippy cup
- Sprayed into the vents. Fresher air

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.
- Cleaned and removed all the nasty refrigerator and freezer smell. I had previously used bleach water which was messy and I had to change into work clothes in case I dripped bleach. FofN is much easier and works just as well.

The system.  Ease of use, appearance, etc.

Ease of use. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.
My child can read the quick guide and easily work it. You just empty the little salt and vinegar packet into a bottle, press a button and after 4-6 minutes, it's ready to pour into your spray bottle.

Spray bottles. ⭐⭐ 2 Stars.
The 3rd generation of spray bottles has finally arrived and it seemed at first that they finally got it right. Easy to spray, less fragile if you drop it. The spray nozzle twists to control spray and stream functions. The problem is that I've had to replace the sprayer on all 3 of my bottles. One I've replaced twice. The mechanism just doesn't last. The good news, the company stands behind even the sprayer and will send you a new spray top for your bottle. 

The original sprayer created a fine mist and with a pumping action so you could achieve a continuous mist. While it was great for covering a large surface like a shower wall or tub, the pump was stiff and unreliable. The second generation sprayer was a more basic spray bottle, but it also failed in function after about 6 months.

Appearance. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 Stars.
I like it. The company asked me if I liked the color and display. Because of the high traffic area I have my system in, I don't keep it on the counter regularly.  I told them that if I did have it in the kitchen or displayed somewhere, I think I'd rather have a gray base and bottle cap, but this is really not my biggest concern.

Price/Value. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars.
I was actually really surprised that the start-up cost was so reasonable. After researching some of the electrolyzed water systems out there, I was expecting to pay several hundred dollars at best.  Some of the smaller industrial systems are several thousands of dollars, so to see the system retail for less than $100, it was an easy decision to give it a try.  The salt/vinegar packets are reasonable too making the cost of use after purchasing the startup package pennies per bottle of cleaner. I'd love to just have the recipe because I'm cheap, but it sure is easy to use a pre-measured packet. They will sign you up for automatic shipments when you purchase the kit, but this is easy to adjust or cancel depending upon your volume of use.

Customer Service/Support. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 10 Stars out of 5. I've communicated several times with the Force of Nature Cleaning company from asking how the product works, how it can be used, what it works on and eventually begging to be a salesperson because I'm such a fan. They have replaced defective items in a very timely manner. They are incredibly responsive and friendly and helpful. I honestly can't think of any negative aspect of their service and support.

Other notes and observations.
Because the efficacy of the cleaner and deodorizing power of hypochlorous acid is so unstable, the solution only lasts a couple weeks. This may turn some people off, but I have never had a bottle last more than a week or so. The batches are smaller than a normal sized bottle of cleaner you'd buy at the grocery store. I usually use a bottle and a half to clean my entire house and then I use the other half throughout the week for basic cleanups (countertops, doorknobs, etc).

I highly recommend the system and if you buy it directly from the company, you can almost always get a $30 off coupon, and around holidays, they offer even better deals. You can buy or check out the system by clicking anywhere on this page that says "Force of Nature" or "FoN" or click the logo below:
I've been using it for well over a year now, so I know more about it than I did when I first started using it. I can answer questions about what it does and does not work on. I'll even test the product on a cleaning task for you if you want to know about a specific task I did not address above. Feel free to ask questions about my experiences or share your own experiences with Force of Nature below! 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Salty Sweet Texturizing Hair Mist

(scroll to the bottom for recipe)

Since my daughter's diagnosis with ACD - allergic contact dermatitis (chemical allergies that cause rashes/eczema), I've been missing hair products that give my hair a little extra texture or volume. I have 2 hairsprays that we can use, but haven't found a dry shampoo or texture spray that I like. I've only ever used dry shampoo as a texturizer, not as a reason to soak up extra oil in my hair. Several friends online encouraged me to make a DIY spray with salt, sugar and water. I wanted something that would dry faster than water. And because my daughter is allergic to essential oils in addition to several other chemicals, I had to tweak almost every online recipe I found.

I started with some recipes online and then went to work. I slaved for hours coming up with the right combination of ingredients. Just kidding. I actually threw a bunch of stuff together and after a few trials, I realized I came up with something I really liked. Thankfully, I wrote the recipe down before I forgot it.

I call it "sticky spray," but my daughters correct me with a mocking tone saying, "Don't you mean SALTY SWEET TEXTURING HAIR MIST, Mom?"  Yes. That's what I labeled my bottle. It's a very descriptive name, don't you think?

I love this recipe. It doesn't take much (4-5 pumps - more for thick hair, fewer for thin/fine). You won't want to overdo it or it'll weigh down your hair or make it difficult to comb, but it's perfect for making your hair less slippery when you need some texture to hold your style. I mostly use it on my daughters hair when they ask for french braids, I add a mist of this spray and the hair doesn't slip around while I'm braiding, but is much easier to braid than wet hair.  It's my go-to for updo's.

I added 91% isopropyl alcohol to it which has two distinct benefits: It drys faster on the hair. And it extends the shelf life of the spray. I would guess that there are a few people out there with a sensitivity to pure rubbing alcohol, but in general, it's pretty benign (though it can be drying on the skin). Without it, I'd advise keeping in the refrigerator and making a new batch every 2 weeks.

OK, enough blabbing about it. Here's the recipe. I've added links to my favorite suppliers, but almost everything can be found at a local grocery or drugstore.

1/4 cup distilled water
1/2 tsp. kosher or sea salt
1 tsp raw or brown sugar
1 tbsp. 91% isopropyl alcohol

In a glass or glass measuring cup, warm the distilled water in the microwave for about 30 seconds.  Stir in salt and sugar until it dissolves. Add alcohol and mix well. Pour into a glass 1-2 oz. bottle with a mist sprayer or let cool enough to pour into a plastic bottle with mist sprayer.

OPTIONAL: Add a pinch of cornstarch for a dry shampoo use, but remember to shake the bottle before spraying.  I didn't think this made much difference in my thin, fine hair.

Happy hair styling!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

magically sweet retirement ahead

There are few cakes I get to make that make me squeal in delight with every added detail. This was one of those cakes from idea to delivery. My friend Cora contacted me and asked if I would make her Aunt a retirement cake. When she told me that her Aunt was most excited about working on her fairy garden during retirement, I could hardly contain my joy! A grown up fairy garden cake is way more fun to make than one for a 4 year old because I can use colors besides pink and green.  I went overboard on the pictures, but since Cora didn't get to see the finished cake in person, it seemed like the right thing to do so she can see it up close too.

The moss roof is a homemade sugar cookie, covered with frosting and cookie crumbs.


Cora was my "fairy consultant" and she made sure I was properly educated in fairy culture and put to rest my presuppositions. She made sure I knew where glitter comes from. I don't know if you can see the glitter trail on the roof because it doesn't show up in photos as well as in person.

The wings only took me 3 tries to get right. FYI, gelatin shrinks until it dries.

Congratulations, Chris! I wish you a very sparkly and magical retirement!

Friday, July 14, 2017

a dollop of cake

My now 11-year-old daughter is hilarious. Yesterday she had me laughing so hard with her quick wit and creative humor.  I have repeated her jokes over and over because, well, she's funny and I am starting to mimic my dad in telling the same jokes over and over again so I need new material.

She had her cake all figured out and I was willing to make it, but I have to admit, it was a little boring compared to her bacon feast or Rapunzel's tower.  One night we were sitting down at our Taco Friday dinner, reprimanding her for nearly emptying the huge tub of sour cream on one taco. I said something about making her a cake filled with sour cream and she joked, "I should have my cake look like the sour cream tub."

I laughed at her joke, "You really should!"

"Wait, can you actually make it look like sour cream?"

"Yes, I can."


"Yes, if you share the rest of the tub on the table with your brother and sister."

This one is only slightly bigger than the Costco size tub we normally buy.

I asked some of her friends describe her with one word.  Unanimously, they agreed on "crazy."

Looks like she expired a long time ago. So don't eat.

Happy, Birthday, crazy girl!