Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Even bacon."
- Kelly DiPucchio 

My oldest asked for unlimited bacon for her birthday dinner. Unlimited BLT's for an extended family birthday party. It only took 3 of us 2 hours to cook it all and I could've probably made 80 bars of soap with the leftover grease.

She wanted a bacon party which meant bacon on her cake too. And a pig. (Because she's my mini-me when it comes to humor)

So, because I'm inclined to spoil my children once a year, she got maple glazed bacon with a pig on a chocolate cake. It was a challenge to make this cake while on vacation 1000 miles from my kitchen, so I made the pig ahead of time and brought the rest with me to make on-site. She wanted him to be on a blue cake that looked like dirt. Specific, ugly and easier than fondant.

I did like the pig, though. But I kinda felt bad for him.

 Poor little piggy.  Happy little girl.

the very specific cake

I realize I've not posted much for cakes this past year.  It's not because I've not been baking, but because I've been lazy in posting. I'm trying to catch up on all the things I've failed to brag about, so I'm hoping to post a few things this week. I know. You've missed me, dear followers - all 3 of you.

I've mentioned before how I have a child who starts planning her next year's birthday cake the day after her birthday.  She's drawn up plans for her next one already. Hoping she changes her mind from a cow jumping over a rainbow over a pile of emoji's.

This one was executed precisely as she described it and she was giddy.

"I want the grumpy red M&M guy reading a book under a fall tree and I want M&M's around the bottom of the cake."


I couldn't help but think of a favorite teacher at our school who loves both reading and M&M's.  Except she's not grumpy...or red.

Happy Birthday girl!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Construction Season

We have only 2 seasons here in Minnesota.  Winter and Construction.  Construction season has been the worst ever during the past few years.  I generally have one place to go during rush hour and all 5 routes to that one place was shut down or had major lane closures and back-ups for the last two years.  This summer, none of my routes are shut down (yet), but every other route is, so all of the traffic has migrated to my routes.  My son continues to be obsessed with construction equipment, so he naturally requested a construction cake "with real trucks on top" for his birthday.

This cake, from last fall, was my own way of venting about MN-DOT as well as celebrating the completion of all the season's projects. My son was pretty excited to have his cake and he didn't seem to care that I was being a jerk all over it (but I know I'm not the only one who felt this way).

You know you've seen this sign before.

I don't think that date is an exaggeration.

I realize this isn't exactly an accurate portrayal.
In reality, there would be 12 guys watching him sleep.